Body Composition
The demand for accurate body composition analysis is growing substantially. Whether you are concerned about obesity and/or diabetes on one hand or your percent body fat and fitness on the other, duel energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) systems are considered the gold standard measurement of body composition, providing unparalleled image quality and precision. The DXA whole body scan is safe, painless, noninvasive, and with minimal radiation exposure. It takes approximately 6 minutes.
DXA body composition measurements are increasingly used to evaluate the effects of diet, exercise, and/or physical training by athletes, personal trainers, and health clinics.

The advanced body composition assessment produces color images which displays the distribution of fat, lean muscle tissue, and bone in an easy to read report. The assessment uses Fat Mass Index (FMI) which is an obesity classification scheme which measures the ratio of fat mass to height squared and provides gender-specific classifications. FMI is a better indicator of obesity than Body Mass Index (BMI) because BMI is a non-specific measure of body weight which is composed of both fat and lean constituents and FMI is based on fat mass. The report includes Adipose Indices which assess abnormalities in fat distribution and Lean Mass Indices which assess lean mass adjusted for body size. The assessment also differentiates between visceral and subcutaneous fat.
The DXA whole body scan is superior to traditional measures like Body Mass Index (BMI) waist circumference, skin calipers, hydrostatic weighing, the Bod Pod, and body fat scales. It details seven regional areas where fat is distributed throughout the body.
In follow-up visits there is a rate of change report which provides color images of tissue mapping from previous scans making it easy to track changes and a person’s progress over the months.